The Original Re-enacted Audio Bible Stories Noah's Ark
DELIVERED! Volume 7 VICTORIOUS! Volume 8 The Life And Times of Paul And The Apostles - Set

The Life And Times of Paul And The Apostles - Set

Paul and the Apostles. All of the audio Bible stories from LIFE OF PAUL in one set from the apostles in the upper room to Paul being faithful unto death.

Listen to stories about Simon, Peter, Philip, Stephen, Saul, John and Timothy.

Hear Saul's contrite confession and thrill with him as he is DELIVERED! from physical and spiritual blindness! Understand Stephen's last thoughts as he is DELIVERED from evil accusations! Cheer as the Apostle Paul, while preaching and teaching in Athens, challenges his listeners to be DELIVERED from idol worship! Triumph as Jew and Gentile alike are DELIVERED from false belief and come to know Jesus as their Savior! Journey with Paul to the temple where he is arrested and hear his VICTORIOUS speeches! Relive the drama of the crashing waves and an island shipwreck; but all aboard are protected and are VICTORIOUS in a swim to safety! Applaud the apostle Paul during his VICTORIOUS testimony of "finishing his course" and being "faithful unto death"!

THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND's audio dramatizations are reenacted events of the Bible that captivate listeners of all ages as they visualize and learn the values taught in God's Word. The Bible ... in living sound!

Listen to the dramatized Bible stories about the apostles and Paul in DELIVERED! and VICTORIOUS!

  • 90 dramatized audio Bible stories on 15 CDs about the apostles and the LIFE OF PAUL
  • Volumes 7 and 8 of THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND

DELIVERED! Volume 7 - 10 CDs
VICTORIOUS! Volume 8 - 5 CDs

This set of stories includes CDs: 61-75

Use Exploring God's Book 4 workbook as a Bible study guide for personal study, church, Sunday School and home school curriculum for DELIVERED! Volume 7 and VICTORIOUS! Volume 8.

Click here for a list of tracks >
DELIVERED! (Volume 7)
61. The Upper Room
361. An Appraisal of Jesus
362. Discussion of Jesus' Death
363. In the Upper Room
364. The Choosing of Mathias
365. Pentecost
366. Peter's Sermon
62. A Lame Man Healed
367. Many Added to the Church
368. A Lame Man's Faith
369. A Lame Man Healed
Peter and John
370. Repent and Be Baptized
371. Peter and John Imprisoned
372. Peter and John Threatened
63. Ananias and Sapphira
373. The Church Prays
374. The Sin of Ananias and Sapphira
375. The Apostles Persecuted
Gamaliel's Pleas
376. Gamaliel's Pleas for Justice
377. Seven Deacons Appointed
378. Stephen Accused of Blasphemy
64. Stephen Stoned
379. Stephen Answers Accusations
380. Stephen Stoned to Death
381. Saul Persecutes the Church
Philip and Simon
382. Philip, the Deacon
383. Simon, the Sorcerer
384. An Ethiopian Man Baptized
65. Saul Is Blinded
385. Saul Is Converted
386. Saul Is Blind
387. Saul Preaches Christ
Dorcas and Cornelius
388. The Disciples Fear Saul
389. Peter Raises Dorcas
390. Cornelius Sends for Peter
66. The Gentiles
391. Peter in Vision
392. Receiving the Holy Spirit
393. Peter Reports to the Church
Peter Arrested
394. The Church at Antioch
395. Peter Arrested
396. Peter Delivered from Prison
67. Herod Dies
397. Peter Goes to Mary's Home
398. Herod Exalted; Dies
399. Barnabas and Saul Chosen
Paul and Barnabas
400. In Antioch of Pisidia
401. The Gentiles Believe
402. In Iconium
68. Jew and Gentile
403. Miracles In Lystra
404. Paul Is Stoned
405. Jew and Gentile
406. Timothy Joins Paul
407. "Come Over to Macedonia"
408. The Young Girl Fortune-teller
69. Paul and Silas
409. Paul and Silas Put in Prison
410. Witnessing in Prison
411. Delivered from Prison
Paul in Athens
412. In Thessalonica
413. Paul in Berea
414. Paul Preaches in Athens
70. Apollos
415. Paul in Corinth
416. A Letter to the Thessalonians
417. In Ephesus and Corinth
418. The Gift of The Spirit
419. The Seven Sons of Sceva
420. "Great Is Diana"

VICTORIOUS! (Volume 8)
71. The Corinthians
421. A Letter to the Corinthians
422. At Ephesus and Macedonia
423. Run with Patience
Eutychus Raised
424. Paul's Life Threatened
425. Eutychus Falls from a Window
426. On the Way to Jerusalem
72. Paul Arrested
427. A Report from the Gentiles
428. The Ceremony of Purification
429. Paul Arrested in the Temple
Paul and Felix
430. Paul Defends Himself
431. A Plot to Kill Paul
432. Paul Sent to Felix
73. Felix and Drusilla
433. Paul Before Felix
434. Defense Before Felix
435. Before Felix and Drusilla
Paul and Festus
436. Festus Appointed Governor
437. Paul Before Festus
438. Paul Appeals to the Emperor
74. Agrippa and Bernice
439. Before Agrippa and Bernice
440. "Almost Thou Persuadest Me"
441. Paul Sails for Rome
442. The Storm at Sea
443. The Shipwreck
444. In Malta
75. Paul in Rome
445. With Christian Friends
446. Paul Arrives in Rome
447. Paul Ministers in Rome
Faithful Unto Death
448. Paul Counsels Onesimus
449. Rome Burns
450. Paul Faithful Unto Death


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