The Original Re-enacted Audio Bible Stories Noah's Ark
SAVED! Volume 5 RECLAIMED! Volume 6 The Life and Times of Jesus - Set

The Life and Times of Jesus - Set

The Life and Times of Jesus. All the stories from the LIFE OF JESUS in one set: Jesus' birth in a manger to His resurrection.

Listen to reenactments of Jesus' birth to His miracles and parables.

Follow the brilliant angel-star with wise men from the east to Baby Jesus SAVED! from King Herod's death decree! Walk on the watery waves with Jesus as the fearful disciples are SAVED from sinking! Share the astonishment of Mary and Martha as resurrected Lazarus is RECLAIMED! from death and the tomb! Marvel how impetuous Peter was RECLAIMED from his guilt and found peace. And listen to the story of Jesus who died on the cross so that all can be saved.

THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND's audio dramatizations are reenacted events in the Bible that captivate listeners of all ages as they visualize and learn the values taught in God's Word! Listen to the Bible ... in living sound!

Listen to the dramatized Bible stories from Baby Jesus to Jesus' death on the cross in SAVED! and RECLAIMED!

  • 120 stories on 20 CDs about the LIFE OF JESUS
  • Volumes 5 and 6 of THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND

SAVED! Volume 5 - 10 CDs
RECLAIMED! Volume 6 - 10 CDs

This set of stories includes CDs: 41-60

Use Exploring God's Book 3 workbook as a Bible study guide for personal study, church, Sunday School and home school curriculum for SAVED! Volume 5 and RECLAIMED! Volume 6.

Click here for a list of tracks >
SAVED! (Volume 5)
41. Baby Jesus
241. Prophets and Angels Foretell Birth
242. "Thou Shalt Call His Name Jesus"
243. The Birth of Jesus
Shepherds and Wise Men
244. Shepherds See His Star
245. Jesus Blessed by Simeon
246. The Wise Men Visit
42. The Flight to Egypt
247. The Flight into Egypt
248. Jesus' Boyhood in Nazareth
249. The Passover Feast
250. Jesus With the Teachers
251. Jesus Missing from the Caravan
252. Days and Years in Nazareth
43. John the Baptist
253. John, the Voice in the Wilderness
254. Jesus Baptized
255. Jesus Tempted in the Wilderness
Wine from Water
256. The Sanhedrin Questions John
257. The Calling of Five Disciples
258. Wine from Water
44. Nicodemus
259. Jesus Cleanses the Temple
260. Jesus and Nicodemus
261. John and His Disciples
A Cripple Healed
262. A Samaritan Woman at the Well
263. The Nobleman's Son
264. A Cripple Healed at Bethesda
45. John Imprisoned
265. John Imprisoned
266. The Death of John
267. The Kingdom of God Is at Hand
A Madman Healed
268. The Carpenter's Son
269. Fishers of Men
270. A Madman Healed
46. A Leper Healed
271. Jesus Heals a Leper
272. Jesus Heals a Paralyzed Man
273. The Calling of Levi-Matthew
The Sermon on the Mount
274. In a Grain Field; A Hand Healed
275. The Calling of the Twelve
276. The Sermon on the Mount
47. Two House Builders
277. Treasures in Heaven
278. The Two House Builders
279. The Centurion's Servant Healed
The Sower
280. Jesus Raises a Widow's Son
281. Jesus' Mother and Brothers
282. The Parable of the Sower
48. A Storm Obeys
283. The Kingdom of Heaven
284. Jesus Calms the Storm
285. Two Wild Men Made Well
The Lord's Prayer
286. The Healing of Jairus' Daughter
287. The Chosen Twelve Sent Out
288. The Lord's Prayer
49. Walking on Water
289. Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand
290. Jesus Walks on the Water
291. A Problem in Galilee
Faith Heals
292. Overcoming Tradition
293. A Woman's Faith
294. The Demand for a Miracle
50. Jesus, The Rock
295. Jesus the Rock
296. Jesus Talks with Moses and Elijah
297. The Boy with the Mute Spirit
Who Is Greatest?
298. Jesus and the Tax Collector
299. Who Is the Greatest?
300. Jesus at the Feast of Tabernacles

RECLAIMED! (Volume 6)
51. Writing in Sand
301. Division Among the People
302. Jesus Writes in the Sand
303. Jesus Reproves Unbelieving Jews
A Blind Man Healed
304. Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind
305. The Parable of the Sheepfold
306. Samaritan Village Refuses Jesus
52. The Good Samaritan
307. Jesus Sends Out the Seventy
308. The Return of the Seventy
309. The Good Samaritan
The Prodigal Son
310. Jesus Teaches
311. The Parable of the Great Feast
312. The Prodigal Son
53. The Ten Lepers
313. The Ten Lepers
314. The Widow and the Judge
315. The Pharisee and the Publican
316. The Rich Young Man
317. Lazarus Brought to Life
318. Jesus Heals a Blind Beggar
54. Zacchaeus
319. A Plot to Kill Jesus
320. Zacchaeus, the Tax Collector
321. Jesus and Zacchaeus
Jesus Anointed
322. Jesus Anointed at Bethany
323. The Triumphal Entry
324. The Barren Fig Tree
55. The Temple Cleansed
325. The Temple Cleansed Again
326. Jesus Answers Questions
327. Scribes and Pharisees Denounced
The Parable of the Ten Maidens
328. The Grecians Meet Jesus
329. Jesus Foretells the Future
330. Parable of the Ten Maidens
56. Judas
331. The Parable of the Three Servants
332. Judas Agrees to Betray Jesus
333. Jesus Eats the Passover Meal
The Last Supper
334. The Lord's Supper
335. Jesus Promises the Holy Spirit
336. "I Am the Vine"
57. Jesus Betrayed
337. Gethsemane
338. Jesus Betrayed-Arrested-Forsaken
339. Jesus Before Annas
Jesus Denied
340. Jesus Before the Council
341. Peter Denies Jesus
342. The Death of Judas
58. Jesus Before Pilate
343. Jesus Taken to Pilate
344. Jesus Before Herod
345. Jesus Sent Back to Pilate
"Crucify Him"
346. "Crucify Him"
347. A Promise to a Thief
348. Jesus' Care for His Mother
59. Jesus' Death
349. Jesus' Death
350. They Pierce His Side
351. Laid in the Tomb
The Resurrection
352. "The Lord Is Risen!"
353. A False Report
354. Jesus Appears to Mary
60. Doubting Thomas
355. The Walk to Emmaus
356. Jesus Appears to His Disciples
357. Doubting Thomas
Jesus Goes To Heaven
358. By the Sea Once More
359. "Go, Teach All Nations"
360. Jesus Is Taken Up to Heaven


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